What is Tripping?

Tripping is a global community of travelers who believe in making the world a better place through cultural exchange. Our members connect with each other for travel tips, shared cups of coffee and homestays in over 175 countries. By providing a safe and easy way for travelers to engage in cultural exchange, Tripping can transform a simple vacation into a meaningful, life-changing experience. Here's the shorter version: What do you think? Share your comments here or join the conversation on our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/tripping. * In addition to connecting travelers with locals, Tripping also aggregates and offers one of the widest selections of local home rentals. From Fijian bungalows to New York City lofts, travelers can use Tripping to step off the tourist path and stay in unique local spaces in over 15,000 cities worldwide. Click here to find your dream vacation rental.