Tripper Profile - Jef from Belgium
Whenever we have a free minute around here, we love looking at the profiles of new Tripping members. There are some really great people in our community and we thought you might like to meet some of them through the blog. Today we'd like to introduce you to Jef from Olen, Belgium. Jef is a primary school teacher who loves hosting travelers who pass through his town. He's been very active on other hospitality networks over the years and it's easy to see that he enjoys showing off the local food, culture, history and daily life of Olen. In addition to taking travelers to Belgian beer tasting events and nearby cities (like Bruges and Ghent), Jef also gives walking tours along the canals and shows them where to find the best local hiking and biking trails. We bet that everyone who stays with Jef has a fantastic time and leaves with a real understanding of the local area and culture. [caption id="attachment_732" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Jef has 2 guestrooms and those bunkbeds must be mighty comfortable after a day of site-seeing!"][/caption] Here are some of the things Jef loves: mussels & fries (a favorite local dish), his breadmaker, biking and hiking, ballroom dancing and - though he may be joking about this - playing accordion to wake up guests who oversleep in the morning. [caption id="attachment_733" align="aligncenter" width="360" caption="Yum - mussels & fries"][/caption]As for what he wants to get out of Tripping, he says that "Making friends worldwide is so easy and gives such good feeling. Let's go for that." Agreed, Jef.
-Grahame PS - The next time you're in Belgium, be sure to say hi to Jef - check out his profile here.