#TNI: The Morning After
This is a guest post from our Travelers' Night In Recapper Lauren, AKA @WanderLoz. What's #TNI? Click here to find out! -Grahame "Animal Encounters" [caption id="attachment_656" align="aligncenter" width="466" caption="photo from arycancun"][/caption]Lions, and tigers, and bears, OH MY. I feel like this week's #TNI took me on a wild safari with all my favorite and crazy-as-ever travel tweeps. I'm glad to see we all survived and no limbs were lost. Much like my weekly encounter with #TNIers, travel adventures are never predictable, sometimes scary, often times amusing, and always experiences from which we learn.
The Pre-Party: The More The Merrier Every week #TNI's attendance grows with new enthusiastic and engaging world travelers. Like the Tripping Community, #TNI is stronger in numbers.* Below are some newbies who joined the party this week. Please welcome them warmly so they will return! Reply a hello, kindly retweet, follow and/or list them. You obviously have something in common: uwbelsky, campersonne, TravelGuard, atramp_abroad *The party was so large and active this week that #TNI was one of the top ten trending topics in the US! Yep, we're setting trends. The Party: Discussion Whether they are thrill-seekers or just find themselves in sketchy situations, #TNI attendees have lived to tell some incredible stories - and all in just 140 characters!Gadling: I watched a spider crawl out of my wife's ear... after it had lived in there for a week+.
Pharaonick: Peeing on rock in Cyprus. Mid stream notice brightly coloured snake on rock, glaring at me. Would not have been a nice limb to lose!
mobilelawyer: HELL. How did I forget the kangaroo that attacked my rental car??!!
Of course not all animals found in the wild are creepy or dangerous. Some are cute and cuddly; some majestic or endangered; some we want to take home with us.dchymko: Baby Sloth sanctuary in Puerto Viejo
Lovingtravel: Glow worms in the Waikiki Caves in New Zealand, so lovely and sparkly
VivaTravelGuide: Hawksbill sea turtles. Only 1 in 1,000 survive into adulthood and they used to be killed for their shells
Like all memorable parties, #TNI is nothing without FOOD. Here's what some people had to share about these different kinds of animal encounters:AirTreks: Best animal encounter. But one that may taste delicious later on.
colmhanratty: Ate ostrich in South Africa. Yum. Ate guinea pig in Peru. Not yum.
mobilelawyer: Anyone hungry for an animal encounter?
IntoxAbroad: Eating tarantula in Cambodia
Tips and Tidbitsieishah: Best Safari? Finch Hatton, Kenya. Expensive, so luxe... Perhaps the most romantic.
AKTravel_USA: We recommend Sanctuary properties in Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana & Zambia. All good safaris, unique in their own way.
traveldudes: Did you know that "Safari comes from the Arabic سفر = "safar" which means "travel"?
The After-Party: Celebrations, Connections, & Cheers Like all good parties, the doors of #TNI stay open long after the scheduled end time. This week's after-party was especially lively, which may have had something to do with the Fail Whale's absence (the ultimate party-pooper). Lifelong friendships and new travel plans were made. Some tweeps didn't even show up until after the party, but shared in the celebration. Here's a little taste of what happened after Q10:nu_veau: so #tni was a trending topic, but Twitter didn't crash for one... #gofigure
UKLAGirl: Happy #FF to some new #TNI acquaintances soon to be friends :O) @whereisjenny @verty @zipsetandrea @atramp_abroad & @groundedtravelr
xelhacancun: @GoApril we loved this #TNI! can't it be on every monday and tuesday and wednesday too? :)
CygnetUpdates: Had to miss #tni again this week- looks like it was a "wild" one (insert rim shot). Scrolling through the feed now!
Here's To The Hosts! If anyone knows the invaluable importance of a good host, it's a Tripper. Like a successful trip, behind any successful event is a fabulous host, or in #TNI's case, fabulous hostesses! This party would not be possible without the ladies from ZipSetGo. Thank you ZipSetRachel, ZipSetAndrea, GoApril, and GoSaraBeth! And cheers to this week's co-hosts: traveldudes, Gadling, clareappleyard, adventurouskate, LandLopers. Next Week's #TNI: "Water World" Join us for #TNI on Twitter next week at 3:30 PM EST on Thursday, August 26th. Hope to see you there! -Lauren