#TNI: The Morning After

This is a guest post from our Travelers' Night In recapper Lauren, aka @WanderLoz. What's #TNI? Click here to find out! -Grahame "Healthy Travel"

You know those days after a big night out when you can't stop thinking about all the going-on of the prior evening? The great people you met, the stories you shared (or possibly over-shared), the plans you made with old/new friends... If you frequent the weekly tweetup #TNI, perhaps you experience similar thoughts the morning after (hopefully sans the headache). Don't be fooled by the title "Travelers' Night In". This discussion group is anything but mild. The Pre-Party: The More The Merrier Every week #TNI's attendance grows with new enthusiastic and engaging world travelers. Like the Tripping Community, #TNI is stronger in numbers (although this week it may have been too strong for Twitter). Below are some newbies who joined the party this week. Please welcome them warmly so they will return. Reply a hello, kindly retweet, follow and/or list them. You obviously have something in common: letssitoutside, arrowssentforth, whereisjenny, missmanicqueen, sarahleetravels, Shantiwallah, verty. Party: Discussion This week's discussion was all about healthy travel. Like many #TNI tweeps, you'd be surprised what others had to say about their lives on the road. First off, I think it's safe to say that we all tend to indulge while on holiday.

eat_your_world: A10 Eat lots of fried/buttery foods; drink excess beer, rum, wine - in the name of cultural immersion (it's 4 the greater good, really) #TNI

anaoreilly: What's unhealthy about enjoying a great meal with good wine?

That said, there is a healthy side of travel. Healthy diet:

coreyann: A3. I indulge in fresh fruit that's local. AMAZING!!! YUM!!!!

mpaynor: A4 In the Philippines in July, we ate different types of grilled seafood on the beach almost everyday. So good.

Healthy activity:

Travel_Quest: A2. Getting lost everywhere is great exercise, no?

melanierenzulli: Best exercise you can do on the road (if you have kids) is just lug all their crap around.

Healthy Mindset:

mobilelawyer: isn't your liver a muscle that needs exercise also?!

BreatheDreamGo: Oh, what is healthy anyway? You are healthy when you are happy

Health Tips and Tidbits:

worldex_america: A5 On high altitude treks best strategy is to ascend gradually, walk at a slow but steady pace, and drink plenty of water.

raisethatglass: A5: I find that taking a hike (literally) or doing something active will help with jetlag.

culverlake: A7. Boulder is super health conscious. Everyone bikes or walks everywhere and the food is super delish and super healthy.

visitbritain: A2. The new London bike rental system - gr8 way 2 get around the city & keep fit.

The After-Party: Celebrations, Connections, & Cheers Like all good parties, the doors of #TNI stay open long after the scheduled end time. Here's a little taste of what happened after Q10:

kristen_al: I enjoyed how #TNI healthy topic was totally highjacked w/ talk of completely unhealthy pursuits...beat laughs I've had all week!!

tomtravel2: If we were doing the #TNI Old Spice Guy drinking game I would be slurring "I love you guys!"

VivaTravelGuide: We might have a little crush on @gadling after last night's #TNI

tripalertz: Healthiest things you can do when you travel = Surround yourself with great people, food, fun...let laughter follow! Thanks #TNI

Here's To The Hosts! If anyone knows the invaluable importance of a good host, it's a Tripper. Like a successful trip, behind any successful event is a fabulous host, or in #TNI's case, fabulous hostesses! This party would not be possible without the ladies from ZipSetGo. Thank you ZipSetRachel, ZipSetAndrea, GoApril, and GoSaraBeth! And cheers to this week's co-hosts: traveldudes, Gadling, TravelingAnna, traveldesigned, roniweiss. Next Week's #TNI: "Pay it Forward" Join us for #TNI on Twitter next week at 3:30 PM EST on Thursday, August 12th. Hope to see you there! -Lauren