Three Years Since We Launched at Tech Crunch Disrupt
It's hard to believe it's been three years since we won a spot in Startup Alley and officially launched Tripping at Tech Crunch Disrupt NYC! Join us on a little Trip down memory lane....
Our co-founders were members of StubHub in the early days, with our CEO being employee #5 . She's modest about it, but she built up the StubHub brand and contributed to its being hugely successful and purchased by eBay in 2005 for $310M.
Still, we were a new company, so we could still feel the new-kid-on-the-block butterflies flitting about.
THIS was the place to be. Winning a spot in Startup Alley was such a big affirmation that we were on to something big and that we were on our way up in the world.
We were so excited, we were like teenage girls when they see their boy band idol.
Well, okay maybe that's not the most flattering description but that kind of "I just drank 5 cups of coffee and have more energy than you would think humanly possible" enthusiasm is what we had. We demoed the heck out of our product.
Seriously, if you were in Startup Alley and managed to not see our demo, you pulled off some super stealth ninja moves on us.
And of course we brought the schwag! This is the beta version of our luggage tags, before we had cooler ones that read "Yours is the Other Black Bag" printed on them.
Oh and we also rocked the voting.
There weren't really any babies around, or we would have kissed each and every one of them like our man right here, Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
Although we're pretty sure our photo opp would have looked more like this.
Babies aside, Tech Crunch Disrupt 2010 was a great place to launch!
The energy of a room filled with startups showcasing their disruptive powers to the world...
coupled with the inspiring words and insights from the big guys on stage....
contributed to making the Tech Crunch Disrupt experience the unique, exhilarating experience that it is.
Thank you Tech Crunch Disrupt for giving us the perfect launching point for the company we've grown to be today - members in 175+ countries and over 850,000 vacation rental and short term rental listings in 36,000 cities worldwide.
Photo credits: all pics snapped by the Tripping team except the Rudy Giuliani photo via and the George W. Bush photo via photoblog.nbcnews.