Caño Cristales: The River of Five Colors

Caño Cristales is a river in Colombia known as "The Liquid Rainbow," "The River of Five colors," and even "The Most Beautiful River in the World."

During most of the year, it looks pretty much like any other river. But for a few weeks from September through November, the river explodes into a rainbow of vibrant colors.

This colorful transformation occurs precisely between the wet season and the dry season, when the water reaches just the right level to allow a unique species of plant called Macarenia clavigera to turn the river floor a bright shade of red.

Blue water, green and yellow sand and rocks of various hues combine to make the Caño Cristales one of the most amazing seasonal sights in the world.

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Photos Credits:

Photo 1a; Photo 1 b; ; Photo 2; Photo 3; Photo 4; Photo 5; Photo 6; Photo 7; Photo 8

Post by Anis Salvesen.