Must-See Monday: Lucca, Italy

Tripper, Amanda Roberts, takes us on a little trip off the beaten path in her favorite country of Italia. Take a moment to escape to Lucca through her photos...

Lucca is one of several popular "day trip" destinations in the Tuscany region of Italy. If you're visiting Florence, consider taking a day to hop on the train and head to Lucca for the afternoon.

The main attraction of Lucca? It's massive brick walls.

These walls once served as ramparts to protect the city, but now one can easily walk through narrow, dimly lit passages...

... take a peek through the walls...

... and arrive at the top, to take in the beautiful views.

After exploring the expanse of the walls, one can stroll around the old city, admiring the beautiful architecture.

In comparison to larger cities, such as Rome and Florence, Lucca is very slow-paced, and caters much less to tourists. Its charm lies in its history, its architecture, its location, and its people - a small, but fascinating city, not to be missed!

Grazie Amanda! Would you like to connect with Amanda and other photo-frenzied Trippers? Please join Tripping's Travel Photographers Network!