A Relatively Painless Thanksgiving; Vacation Rentals Save the Day

Are you travelling back home to see family this Thanksgiving? Looking forward to staying with the in-laws? It will be just like old times. You’ll be queuing up bathroom time with five teenage nieces and nephews in no time! You probably can’t wait for unsolicited (but well-meaning advice) about your wardrobe and career choices while cramped for space inside your significant other’s old bedroom with nowhere to go. Well, at least you’ll be sleeping on your in-laws moldy, old sofa with uncle Lester’s imprinted butt grooves in the frame.

Seriously, you’d probably love to stay anywhere but at home this Thanksgiving. Well, we may have found the perfect solution to your Thanksgiving week woes - instant booking your Thanksgiving vacation rental through ZenRentals with Tripping across a database of over 1 million amazingly comfortable rentals. Whether you find a good excuse to stay at a vacation rental in the neighborhood or you plan to skip town entirely, our platform has got your last minute short term rental needs covered. You can book a home down the street or 100 miles away, type address or a nearby location, pick the radius, and book your home within minutes.

[caption id="attachment_12783" align="alignnone" width="640" caption="Image courtesy of Thanksgivvukah Boston, see link for article"][/caption]

For a "traditional" experience, get a deal on an apartment rental by the beach or a classic cape-style house in historic Plymouth, Mass., site of the first Thanksgiving dinner. "Gobble, gobble" in style with your whole family, and you don't even have to feel bad about leaving early since your vacation home is quite literally, down the street. Since it won't happen again in your lifetime, why not celebrate Thanksgivvukkah (image above) in Austin, TX, home of a great local music scene and a mild winter climate? Or just leave the mainland altogether and start your own tradition with grilled mahi mahi on the beach in Maui. Really, we're just excited to be celebrating this Thanksgiving

To misquote Thomas Wolfe: you know you can always go home again... you just don't have to!

Post by Carole Baden, Tripping blogger extraordinaire